dek / Multiplayer Systems Engineer

I create networking, rendering and gameplay systems for multiplayer games / MMORPGs. Below is a selection of my work, most of which has been on If you feel like I could help you with a project, please reach out to me via email. I am also on X / Twitter and GitHub.

Real-time Networking
Navigation Mesh Generator + Pathfinding
3D Renderer (Open World)
Combat Engine
World Editor
Game Editors & Tooling
MMORPG Systems
Backend / DevOps Systems
Asset Pipeline
Moderation Systems


Real-time Networking

Created a dynamic tick rate netcode system to handle spike loads while maintaining a playable experience for players:

Custom navmesh generation and baking, allowing for seamless navmeshes in large open world spaces without size limitations.

3D Renderer (Open World)

A custom-built WebGL 3D renderer for an MMORPG (, optimized for typical high-load situations, e.g., many moving entities as well as large open worlds with full freedom of movement. This renderer achieves 144+ FPS in the browser on consumer-grade hardware.

Combat Engine

World Editor

A fully featured 3D world editor in the browser allowing the creation of large open worlds as well as placing monsters + real-time network connection to the game server. Features:

Game Editors & Tooling

Multiple editors for quick editing of MMORPG content as well as getting comprehensive overviews over already existing content. Automatic compilation of all data into a single binary file for clients to read.

MMORPG Systems

A complete MMORPG database with several systems and atomic transactions using PostgreSQL.

Backend / DevOps Systems

Various systems useful for running live service / multiplayer games. I've worked with common backend tools for scaling and delivery.

Asset Pipeline

Content pipeline which allows for tracking of asset MD5 hashes for quick diff checks and automatic re-bundling. The primary use of this system is to ensure a consistent post-processing step for all assets, normalizing export settings and allowing a non-destructive creative workflow without having to manually re-export files. When an asset is saved by a designer, the game files are exported into output formats with the correct compression settings.

Moderation Systems

Created a moderation platform for staff members, allowing moderating player accounts. Systems include: